I feel impatient most of the time, and sometimes that robs me of happiness. I find myself asking why things are taking so long, and if I’m not careful, I can get quite demanding of other people. On the flip side, it helps me get a lot of things done, so you can see impatience is one of those qualities that is both productive and unproductive and the variable is my presence of mind.
I have accepted this dynamic and am purposeful about being present with it. The result of that acceptance: more inner peace.
To deepen my practice I’m working through a program right now with Jonathan Foust. Recently he shared the following exercise that can be done with a partner or by journaling. With his permission I’m sharing it with you today:
While journaling or with a partner choose one of the following questions:
What’s between me and feeling happy?
What’s between me and feeling good inside?
What’s between me and feeling free?
Now, ask yourself one of these questions and sit quietly. Let a response arise in its own time. Write down your response. Take a moment to let it know you see it. Imagine you could place the concern for it, if just for a few moments, to the side. Again, ask the question and sit quietly. Let a response arise in its own time. Again, write down your response. Continue for as long as it feels helpful. Try to do this another five or six times.